Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Knit Two

I'm reading the fabulous follow-up novel by Kate Jacobs to her best-selling "Friday Night Knitting Club," called "Knit Two," (G.P. Putnam's Sons, $24.95) which revisits the characters of the first book five years later.

Georgia may be gone, but Walker and Daughter still bustles along with our favorite characters: Lucie has five-year-old precocious Ginger; Darwin is pregnant with twins, Dakota is in college, Catherine is running her antiques shop, and Peri is in charge of the store and still working on her purses; poor Anita wants to marry Marty but her sons object.
I'm on chapter eight. It's snowy and so blustery that the big fluffs of snow are actually funneling upward outside my window at work. I'm headed home to cozy up on the sofa with a warm blanket and perhaps some honeyed tea.
The two things I love most in the world (family excepted, of course): knitting and reading are combined in this delightful hardcover.
Don't tell me how it ends!

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